CA-1310 Laser Gyroscope

Laser Gyroscope492 KB
Educational Objectives
- He-Ne Ring Laser
- Ring Laser Modes
- Interference
- Single Mode Etalon
- Sagnac Effect
- Mode Lock-in
- Measurement of Rotation
- Dynamic Range
This active laser gyroscope contains a ring laser consisting of an open frame He- Ne tube and a triangular resonator. The whole ring laser is set up on a motorized rotational platform. The rotational velocity can be varied allowing to the dynamic range of the Gyroscope to be investigated. Counter-rotating modes of the ring laser are coupled out and are superimposed for demonstration and measurement of the Sagnac effect. The resulting interference is detected and electronically converted to a frequency proportional to the rotational velocity. The lock-in threshold is determined by variation of the rotation frequency. Single mode operation is achieved by an etalon mounted in the ring resonator.
Order No. 4900-9-1310